Due to the recent national lockdown announcement, we have postponed the Virtual Annual event to 19th December. This will allow members more time to prepare while we are not allowed to meet in small groups.
Please find attached details on Guidelines for the virtual event.
There will be a nominal charge of £5 per family to cover the costs of the virtual platform.
Key Dates:
10th Nov 2020 – Entry registration deadline
16th Nov 2020 – Notification of entry acceptance
13th Dec 2020 – Deadline for submitting pre-recorded performance (On request extension till 16th)
19th Dec 2020 – SAaS Virtual Annual Event
We recognise that it is relatively short notice but as we will use pre-recorded videos, we feel there will be sufficient time to plan and deliver good quality performances. Through your active, enthusiastic participation and cooperation, we look forward to organising a successful and memorable virtual cultural evening.
Yours sincerely
SAaS Trustees